In A Shot Of Optimism

Radnor Lake is only fifteen minutes from my house.  A thirteen hundred acre natural area with wooded trails, you can see deer, herons, turtles, owls and the occasional otter there.  It is especially magical in the spring.  Dogs aren’t allowed on the trails, so when Holly was alive, I usually opted for dog friendly hikes.  But last summer, I lost my four-legged hiking buddy, so Sunday morning I went to Radnor.

With threatening weather, there were fewer people out and I had time to walk familiar trails and some new ones, humming Down Yonder Green Valley.  As I climbed, a large tree appeared to be in the middle of the trail, its vast root system extending across my path.

The tree brought on a memory from years before when I was a regular at Radnor.  Many of the trails are switchbacks through the woods, so at many points itappears thatthe trail has come to an abrupt end, and when I saw that treeappearingto block my way, I remembered again that too many times in life, we feel we have come to the end of a trail, that the trail we are on will not take us where we really want to go.   

Here’s what I’ve learned and what so many other explorers have learned:  we can only find the next trail if we keep going. The path doesn’t open up unless we continue to move forward.

A good part of my inspiration in writingLive Large:  The Achiever’s Guide to What’s Nextwere the rich stories people told me about their lives and how, together, we were able to discover and shine a beacon on a path they’d never imagined was there.  

We ALL (myself included) have times when we aren’t sure which way to turn or if we like the choices before us.   I want each of us (myself included) to have choices to use our talents, experiences, skills and passion in ways that are fulfilling.  That’s whatLiving Largeis all about.  

Whom do you know who deserves toLive Large?  Is there someone in your life that is at a crossroads? And not sure where to go next?  A new graduate who is looking at a world of possibilities and just needs to take the next step? A parent who is about to send their child off to college? A spouse who feels numb and exhausted from work they don’t love?  

My book comes out next week and we will be offering a lot of great bonuses for buying multiple books on the release date, May 9th. I encourage you to buy a copy ofLive Large: The Achiever’s Guide To What’s Nextfor yourself and maybe a few other copies for friends and family that you feel would benefit from this work.

Don’t worry – I’ll send you an email on Tuesday, May 9th reminding you to buy your copy and telling you how to redeem your purchase for some exclusive bonuses! In the meanwhile, you can help promote the book on May 9th by signing up for my Thunderclap campaignhere.

PS For my friends in Nashville, I would like to invite you to join me on May 15th for a book signing event. See below for more details and click here to RSVP.

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