In A Shot Of Optimism

It was the 80’s.  My father, Dr. William G. Crook, was still a practicing pediatrician, writing a childcare column for General Features Syndicate that appeared in newspapers across the country.  He had already written several books and published papers about children and nutrition and how eating could affect children’s behavior and indeed their overall health and well-being.

He was in the midst of writing a book on nutrition and hyperactivity when he accepted an invitation from a Cincinnati radio show to talk about candida,the yeast that causes all manner of health problems for both men and women.  Much to everyone’s surprise, mostly his, the station received over seven thousand calls!

My father understood there was a need to understand how antibiotics, birth control pills and a diet of refined carbohydrates could wreak havoc, causing symptoms that were hard to diagnose and treat.  He immediately wrote The Yeast Connection and subsequently The Yeast Connection Handbook, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health and more.  He became a tireless champion, helping people find relief and helping doctors help their sometimes frustrated patients.

In some ways this new calling came out of left field.  He was in his late 60’s when the first Yeast Connectionwas written.

For over 25 years, I have been a corporate strategist doing work I love, helping companies grow.  Given my long run and client tenure and referrals, it seems I am pretty good at it!  Nevertheless, many years ago people began asking me to help them think through career decisions.  I loved that too, but it wasn’t the “main thing.”  However, over time I developed a process that was powerful in helping people get clarity about themselves, their purpose, talents, limiting beliefs and what they really wanted in their lives.  The process was so powerful that I introduced it to all my CEO and entrepreneur clients.

About ten years ago, two dear friends were both writing books, and we got together for a long weekend to “noodle.”  We wrote and talked but nothing concrete came from it.  Until a few years later, as I was talking about the power of the process, my friend Lisa demanded, commanded and invited – Just write the damn book.

And finally I was ready to accept the invitation.  Five years ago I began writing a weekly blog and on May 9th “the damn book,” Live Large: The Achiever’s Guide to What’s Next,will be released.

Regardless of where you are in your life and career, I encourage you to read “the damn book”!  Think of it as an invitation, as that radio show was for my father so long ago, an invitation for a whole new chapter in YOUR life to open up into a wide horizon and show you what’s next.

Until next Tuesday,


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