In A Shot Of Optimism, Uncategorized

How many times have you said:
That will never happen
Only in the movies
In your dreams

Many of us go from believing in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and happily ever after, to the harsh reality of adulthood.  It’s easy to become cynical when we are bombarded with stories of betrayal, estrangement, revenge and hopelessness.  I have those days, too.

But not today!

I’m getting married Saturday!  And you will never imagine how it happened…

It started forty years ago, at a party in New York.  A handsome Venezuelan meets a “southern girl”(me!) new to the big city.  We were both married to other people and so became good friends.

Eight years and two divorces later, we fell in love, got married and moved to Caracas.  He had three children, I had one.  In our apartment, with its lush view of the Avila Mountain, we created a family-centered world.  I overcame culture shock, learned Spanish, gave birth to our daughter, started a new career and managed a household staff.  We traveled extensively to the US, Europe and the Caribbean.  Our life was good, some might even say glamorous.

But when economic problems hit Venezuela, we made our second home in Nashville home base.  And though our good life continued for a while, 20 years into the marriage, it began to fall apart.  Health problems, a child in trouble, money woes.  Why wouldn’t he do thisandHow could she do that. Finally we settled on divorce.  Our friends and family were shocked and saddened.  How could this be?  You were a perfect match!

Over the next 15 years, he stopped speaking to me.  When I saw him at parties he would walk past me as if I were a potted palm.  Nothing.  I grieved the loss of my best friend and our shared history.

As my mother lay dying, she asked if I thought we would ever get back together.  No chance, Momma, he won’t even speak to me.

And then a few years ago, our daughter announced plans to marry.  “Act Nice,” she told her father.  “You and mom are sitting at the same table.”

As we sat watching our beautiful daughter start her new life, we made small talk.  It turned out he was planning a trip to Barcelona in six months and remembering what good travel companions we’d been, I found myself blurting out, “I’d go with you. “

He raised one eyebrow. But he didn’t reply.

Six weeks later I received an email.  I think this is a good idea. What about these dates and these flights?

Thus began a conversation long suspended.  We started out slowly, talking and listening.  We didn’t go over the “sins” of omission and commission.  We heard and were present with each other.  Over the next eighteen months, we saw each other more.  And more.  Rather than fireworks, we experienced a slow crescendo of deep love and contentment in each other’s company.  I never knew I could be so happy just being with someone.

We could have gone on that way for the rest of our lives, and we will, but we wanted to celebrate.  We decided to get married.  We were unprepared for the excitement from all the children, siblings and friends.  Excitement about the unimaginable!

So this Saturday in the garden of dear friends, accompanied by our five children, their spouses, our ten grandchildren, plus siblings, cousins, and a few special friends, we will be reunited by the same minister who married us on a sunny day in April, thirty–eight years ago.  It’s a celebration of love, hope and family – but it’s also a celebration of you, my dear Yippee followers.  It’s a reminder to all of you that the most amazing, unimaginable things really can happen.  Say YES to what could be.

Until next Tuesday.  YIPPEE!

Elizabeth (the bride)



Showing 26 comments
  • MIchael Resnick

    What an uplifting story; thanks for sharing it! A joy to hear!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Michael, so lovely to hear from you. Hope all is well in your world. Have you been back to Fiji?

  • Elizabeth Pritchard

    Wow! What great news. I am so happy for you and wish you both all the best. Life has mysterious twists and turns, doesn’t it? Miss seeing you and love your Yippee columns.
    xo, Elizabeth

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Elizabeth, would love to see you when I’m next in Atlanta.

      So glad you enjoy the blog, share!


  • Janice Dockery

    CONGRATULATIONS! And wishing you both many , many more happy trails!

    Love, Janice

    P.S. Happily retired with Zander for over a decade, but shortly after I got my IPad, started following your Yippee, so wish you the very best in all you endeavors!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Janice for the good wishes and for following YIPPEE!

  • Ophelia

    YIPPEEE indeed!!!! So happy for you both. What a love story.

    Hugs, smiles, and love to the Bride and Groom.


    • elizabeth

      Thanks Opheila. It is a wonderful story and we are so glad it’s true!

  • Pat O

    What a wonderful story…for both of you and us. It just reminded me that we can let go of the past in our relationships and look at what is present before us…now…
    I am so happy for both of you. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Pat,

      The only thing that topped the story was the wedding this weekend surrounded by family and friends.


  • Karol

    Congratulations! What an amazing story 🙂

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Karol.

      It was a pleasure meeting you. Stay tuned to Discover Your YIPPEE. Would love your feedback.

  • Tabby

    Congrats to you!!!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Tabby,

      Glad you are having YIPPEE in your life too.

  • Katherine

    I am so excited for you Elizabeth. When I met you at the Cable lunch last week, I was taken with your beauty, and confidence , and of course, story …

    I wish the most beautiful day for you, in all ways…


    • elizabeth

      WOW Thanks Katherine.

      The actual wedding weekend was even better. I look forward to our next lunch.

  • CindyCindyCindy

    All the best to you and Umberto! What a wonderful love story.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Cindy

      …and the next chapter in this wonderful love story began with our wedding with family and friends.


  • Carla


    • elizabeth

      YIPPEE indeed it was – the whole wedding weekend.


  • Karen Williams

    Congratulations to you two love birds. Here’s wishing you the rest of your lifetime for happiness.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks so much Karen. We are still in a cloud of happiness from the wedding weekend with our family.


  • Wendy Merron

    Elizabeth, I got such a warm feeling from reading your story!
    Both of you must have big hearts and the ability to accept to stay open for your love to re-ignite.
    I’m so happy for you.
    I just got married again in May, (I’m 59). It’s truly a loving experience to have the perfect partner. We both had a lot of growing up to do before we met.
    To all those reading these comments, yes, true love exists after 50 lol!
    What changes in you allowed this to happen?

    • elizabeth

      Congratulations to you too Wendy! To answer your question, we both changed. He is more mellow and I don’t need him to “protect me”. We each embrace the peculiarities of the other and importantly don’t take things personally that aren’t!


      • Wendy Merron

        Thanks 🙂

        I like that you don’t take things personally anymore. It’s really freeing, isn’t it?

        • elizabeth

          It saves huge amounts of energy. My sister uses an acronym to help her remember QTIP – Quit Taking It Personally.


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