What Are You Being Called To Do?
Are you left or right, red or blue, Republican or Democrat, public schools or charter schools, for funding Planned Parenthood or against it, believe or deny global warming? The list is endless [...]
Are you left or right, red or blue, Republican or Democrat, public schools or charter schools, for funding Planned Parenthood or against it, believe or deny global warming? The list is endless [...]
What really drives us to action? What is really running our lives? Beliefs. Beliefs we may not even know we have. Our beliefs decide: who we hire who we marry how we raise our kids how much [...]
Are you waiting for someone to finally recognize your talent? The special connection with that powerful person who can promote you and your project? The perfect mentor? The Waiting Game Part of [...]
Have you ever felt “up the creek without a paddle”? Did you find yourself saying if only that hadn’t happened? I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey, the riveting Masterpiece Theater presentation on [...]
The job you loved goes away. The relationship you treasured ends. The money, the status, the stuff evaporates. If you are old enough to read this, you have experienced a loss, an ending, some [...]
If I ask you what rules you follow, you might say: Don’t lie, cheat or steal. Be kind to old people, children and animals. Obey the golden rule and the Ten Commandments, All good rules to follow. [...]
Have you ever caught a bug from a co-worker, family member or a complete stranger? One minute you’re feeling great and the next minute you’ve lost your zip. Flying back from Philadelphia, [...]
“Comparisons are odious” – Shakespeare Nine women sat around a stone fireplace in a cottage on the Rhode Island coast. Ranging in age from late eighties to early forties. [...]
A newly wed wife came home from work one day to find her husband had prepared a roast. She was thrilled, but puzzled: he had cut the ends off the roast before cooking it. In her sweetest [...]