Have You Lost Your Focus?
How to break free from the tyranny of thoughts that play on a loop in your brain … When Myrko Thrum did his top ten list of best Buddha quotes a few years ago, the first one was paraphrased [...]
How to break free from the tyranny of thoughts that play on a loop in your brain … When Myrko Thrum did his top ten list of best Buddha quotes a few years ago, the first one was paraphrased [...]
Have you ever found yourself feeling the more you did the worse things got? That’s called a vicious cycle. We’ve all been there, the question is: how do we break it? Well, you might try asking [...]
I leapt for joy last Sunday, walking through the beauty of Seattle’s Arboretum. I was so happy to be out of the hot humidity of Nashville in July. No wonder people move here, I thought: [...]
Have you ever made a commitment to yourself then broken it? Done something that was less than your best? Made a mess of a relationship? Most of us have gotten off-track somewhere, somehow and we [...]
It was glorious Vermont summer day. I was in a great mood. My editor Suzanne and I had a productive morning and had stopped to make copies of some chapters in my upcoming book. Before entering [...]