At year-end merchants count up their inventory, the stock of their goods. Taking stock helps them determine where they stand – what they want to order more of and what they want to discontinue.
For me, taking stock means looking back at all the great, good, interesting, people, projects, events and moments that came my way. And of course the opposite – the challenges, frustrations, failures and so on.
It also means throwing out those magazines that are partially read because they are cluttering up my desk. Writing those personal notes I meant to write but didn’t. Clearing out the space in my mind (or closet) so that something fresh will have room to live!
Year-end and year beginnings are great times to take stock.
There are 4 categories of questions that will not only help you take stock, but will help you make 2017 one of the most satisfying ever.
As I look back…
- What did I accomplish? What gave me satisfaction, fun, happiness?
- What was challenging? Where did I fall short of the mark I set for myself?
- What did I learn or realize this past year? What were the secrets of my success? What contributed to my disappointments?
- What do I want to do or not do based on what I learned in 2016?
One of the things I hope you will decide to do is read my book Live Large – The Achiever’s Guide to What’s Next. It will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and in Hudson News (in airports) in late April (maybe sooner).
Wishing you a Happy New Year for 2017.
Until next Tuesday,