When I got home from vacation last week, I decided to do a purge of my office, clearing off my desk and going through my papers. In the process I discovered handouts from a great conference I attended in May. I had intendedto use the notes to up my own game and to share the nuggets with various clients. I also found worksheets I had intendedto use to evaluate my clients. Some books I had ordered were sitting unread on the edge of my desk. I had intendedto check out particular passages to sharpen my knowledge.
I realized that even though my everyday work list was in good order, there were important things that hadn’t made to my list.
With a client today, one of the leadership team expressed the same sentiment. It seems we only focus on our production, we don’t focus on building our team or improving our communication.
It’s easy to look at the things we must do, the looming deadlines. If we don’t do them, people will know or our business will suffer. Yet there are things that are just as important, but not urgent.
This week, my invitation to you is to make sure the important, but not urgent things, get on your list. You may not see the results tomorrow, but you will see the results over time – and so will everyone else.
Until next Tuesday.
Thank you for that reminder. You’re so right!