Recently I had the pleasure of spending another day with Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series (arguably one of the most popular series ever written).
As Jack was talking about his powerful book The Success Principles,newly revised and expanded for its tenth anniversary, it suddenly struck me what the best of the best have in common – they never stop practicing.
It’s easy to imagine someone like Jack, who has hit the top, no longer needs to practice the principals of success. But Jack is the first to say that daily practice is essential not only to who he has become, but to who he is continuing to become.
Jack gets his “inspirational vitamins” everyday starting with meditation, then visualizing what he wants to accomplish and finally reading something inspirational. He is constantly reminding himself of his mission. By now he’s moved way past a need to make more money and stays focused on how he can serve – that was his original mission as an educator, and it hasn’t changed.
My father, a pediatrician and successful author, was a big fan of Earl Nightingale, one of the early promulgators of inspirational sayings and success principals. Until the end of his life, my father continued to read what he called an “Earl baby” everyday, frequently sending a copy out to one of his daughters and or grandchildren so he could in turn inspire them.
It’s easy to think that when we “make it” we don’t need to keep inspiring ourselves, practicing our missions, or remembering what we want to accomplish each day. But regardless of where YOU are in your journey, getting your “inspirational vitamins” creates benefits beyond the imagination. Just look at Jack, who started as a classroom teacher and has now sold over 500 million books worldwide.
My invitation to you this week is to run, don’t walk, to buy Jack’s book. It serves as a source of inspiration and provides the motivation we need to practice regularly. Then, pick a tip and practice it each day. Let me know how it goes.
Until next Tuesday.