In A Shot Of Optimism, Uncategorized

The term 1% has come to mean the most economically privileged sector of our society.   If you are part of the 1%, you may view it as a badge of achievement or recognition that you were fortunate to be born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth.

If you are part of the 99%, you may view the 1% as the folks who don’t have to worry about money.   You may view them as an example of the injustice in the world.  Or you may view the 1% as a group to revile or to aspire to.  From whatever vantage point you see the 1%, it’s now part of everyday jargon.

However, there is another 1%.  It’s the 1% we don’t talk much about.  And it’s a MUCH MORE important factor in your having a richer more fulfilling life – but I’m not taking just about economics.  I’m talking about that small 1% change or small course correction that can make a big difference in your business or your life.

If you increase your sales by one percent, decrease your cost of goods by one percent and decrease your overhead by one percent, you will see a huge difference in your bottom line.  And for most businesses an increase or decrease of 1% is doable.  We just have to make it a priority

There are an infinite number of 1% changes we can make in our personal lives as well, and over time, this can make a significant difference.  Increase by 1% a week the time you read, exercise or do something for someone else.  Or a decrease by 1% a week the time you spend judging yourself or others, playing a mindless game online, or procrastinating.

If you are a 175-pound man who wants to slim down, and I ask if you can lose 1% of your weight per week (less than 2 pounds the first week), you would probably say yes I can do that!  And if you do that every week for 90 days, you will lose more than 10% of your weight or 18 pounds!

Here’s the thing about the 1% change.  It’s easy to do AND it’s easy to skip.  That’s why so few people actually do it.  But since it’s easy to do, we might as well do it, instead of skipping it…


What 1% change are you going to make this week?  And the next and the next?  When we link together those 1% changes it becomes a big deal and creates a big impact.

Let me know about yourplans for shifting your 1%, so I can cheer you on!

Until next Tuesday,



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