In A Shot Of Optimism, Uncategorized

Sometimes it seems like other people’s success happens overnight. They are just plain talented or ‘inspired’.  As if they didn’t have to work at all for their talent or inspiration.

Every spring when I walk into my garden and the daffodils are suddenly blooming, I remember that great things take work.  Flowers have to be chosen, the soil has to be prepared, the bulbs have to be planted, then one day – WOW!

To expect otherwise is magical thinking.

In order for your talent and inspiration to bloom, you must show up in a consistent and disciplined way. It shouldn’t feel like ‘work’ and you shouldn’t be doing it for the money or to impress people. Show up and do it because you love it! Do it because it makes you want to shout YIPPEE! And then show up for your YIPPEE every day.

If you know what your YIPPEE is, whether it’s making wedding cakes, playing guitar or starting a business, then remind yourself:

  1. It’s NOT too late
  2. There IS enough time
  3. You have to COMMIT  (it doesn’t happen overnight)
  4. And most of all, you have to SHOW UP for it (every day).

What do you do, not for the money or the fame, but for the pure feeling of YIPPEE?

What makes you really want to #shoutYIPPEE?

Are you showing up for it daily?

Let us know in the comments or post using #shoutYIPPEE on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or your social media outlet of preference.


*Note: Parts of this blog are excerpts from a previous YIPPEE blog, Are You Showing Up?

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