“Give me but a firm spot on which to stand, and I shall move the earth.”
― Archimedes, The Works of Archimedes
I’ve been out of the office for two weeks, so I scheduled an hour catch up with my right-hand woman Joni, on both personal and business matters. Joni and I have worked together for eleven years. We share a value of “no elephants in the room”. That means we sometimes have hard conversations.
This morning as I was about to start writing a new blog post, Joni said she had some thoughts about the blog. She said, I wonder if the blog is for people who already have a level of confidence and security – people who can take a risk. She told me about her neighbor, a highly educated hard-working woman whose job was eliminated. She is barely holding onto her house and is working at a greatly reduced salary. Joni challenged me: How can she afford to take a risk? Is Discover Your YIPPEE for her?
Her question made me stop and think.
And my answer was: Yes. It is for her. And here’s why . . .
Discover Your YIPPEE is an invitation to:
- Tell yourself the truth – the brutal reality, as Tony Robbins would say – not better than or worse than what is.
- Be self-compassionate – It’s so easy to spend time and energy second-guessing what we shoulda, coulda, woulda done, then allow the negative voice of the Triple J (jury, judge, and jailer) to lock us up.
- Explore – who you are and what may be available to someone in your circumstances.
- Be curious – what are my talents, my limiting beliefs?
- Get unstuck – When we see ourselves as victims of our circumstances it’s hard to access the power over what we can control.
Each point above is a “place to stand”. You can begin at any one of these points and move to the others. As you move from point to point you get stronger.
Is Discover Your YIPPEE for everyone.? YES. Each of us, even with the limits and fears we have, can take a small step. Then another. To not do so actually increases not decreases our vulnerability.
What step will you take this week? Let me know! See you next Tuesday.