In Uncategorized, What's Holding You Back?

Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

This Latin phrase, popularized during WWII, always draws chuckles and after the chuckle, the head nodding.  Yep good advice, I gotta remember that.

But unlike WWII, “the bastards” aren’t an opposing army, they may actually be people who are on your side: friends, spouses, colleagues, the boss, or a family member.  These people can sometimes be “dream killers”.

That’s a crazy idea.
You can’t afford to do that.
You’re out of your league.
That seems like a big risk.

The worst is when the dream killer statements collide headlong into your own limiting beliefs and self doubt.

When this happens here are five steps:

  1. Write it down – That’s a crazy idea…
  2. Turn it into a question – Is that a crazy idea?
  3. Ask: What have I seen, heard and done that suggests it’s a crazy idea?
  4. Ask: What have I seen, heard and done that suggests it’s a good idea?
  5. Now evaluate from your clearest, most enlightened, and most confident self.

Maybe it is a crazy idea OR maybe it’s a great idea that opens up new opportunities.

Can’t wait to hear what you discover.

Until next Tuesday.  YIPPEE!


Want to be clearer and more confident in hearing your most enlightened voice?  Join us for the Spring Discover Your YIPPEE Retreat in Nashville.  A day and a half that will change your life… and, you’ll still have time to hear some great music!

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