In A Shot Of Optimism, Uncategorized, What's Holding You Back?

Have you ever thought I would never do that? OrThat would never happen in my family, to my child, in my business?

When we see the failures of others, it’s easy to make judgments, to assign blame, to create explanations that make sense of difficult situations.

Her brother doesn’t speak to her.  She must have been an awful sister.
His son has been in and out of rehab.  It must have been a terrible family situation.
They lost their business.  They must be irresponsible.

Who’s to blame when:
A psychiatrist’s child commits suicide.
A Sunday school teacher’s son goes to prison.
A right-to-life advocate terminates the pregnancy of a severely deformed fetus.
A life coach’s daughter cuts her out of her life.

Our judging voice says someone has to be at fault.  And it’s so easy to let that judging voice block out any compassion.

The fact is, that voice may be our way to ward off feelings of shame we would experience if that ever happens to us… but of course it won’t.  Right?

Wrong. The unthinkable may very well come to visit.  The very situation you have judged others for may one day be on YOUR doorstep.  And the pain is two-fold.  Not only are you jolted by your own current reality, you may feel shame that somehow you have brought it on yourself.

Happily, there is a silver lining.  If you are lucky, you will find a way to meet yourself and all those others with more compassion.

My father used to say, Life has a way of giving us humbling experiences.  They are not fun.  They can be terrifying, sad, and life changing.  And yet they can also be an opportunity to open the door to forgiveness and compassion for yourself, and others.

What humbling experiences have you had?  Share them if you dare.  Sharing them is the first step toward finding that silver lining of compassion.

Until next Tuesday.  YIPPEE!


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