Are you having one of those days, weeks or months, where you feel like you are getting bad breaks, raw deals, unfair outcomes – things you don’t think you deserve?
I just had a huge lesson in what “getting what you deserve” really means.
Last week I flew off to the first of two back-to-back conferences. When I got the car service in New York, they told me it would be an hour wait. No problem, I thought, I’ll grab a bite of lunch. Hauling my bags up the stairs, I looked forward to eating at the sushi bar I’ve always loved. But it had been revamped – now it was serving Panini’s. Not the low cal option I wanted, so I ordered a salad.
“Sorry Madam we are out of salad. Something else?”
Now I had a great excuse to order a Panini! The mozzarella with tomato and pesto sounded tempting, but the counterman told me they were out of those, too.
When my third choice was unavailable I asked, “What do you have?”
I picked a fourth choice. And it turned out to be delicious.
Back at the car service, there was still no car or driver. I sat next to my “new best friend” – the other woman who was going to Connecticut. As we were commiserating, the way stranded travelers do, a large man with a big grin walked our way. “Ladies I’m just going to take you there myself”.
Once I confirmed that he was indeed a legitimate driver and not someone planning to sell us off as sex slaves, we followed him to the garage, as he explained the limousine service had a shortage of drivers, and he was a temporary.
When we arrived at a white Cadillac limousine worthy of Marilyn Monroe on Oscar night, I said a quiet prayer of thanks. As we were getting in, I mentioned I had forgotten to pack a charger. Our genial driver smiled broadly. “Don’t worry little lady, we can make a stop, but you can’t tell anybody.”
Three days later, arriving at my second conference, my room wasn’t ready. Not good, considering I had been traveling since 5:30 am. But when it was ready, what a view of the Las Vegas Mountains from my huge room, complete with comfy chairs and a Jacuzzi tub for two.
Sometimes you don’t get what you think you deserve, but what comes on the heels of that disappointment is even better.
This week, STOP and consider what unexpectedly positive things have come your way – right on the heels of a big disappointment. Then SMILE and be thankful for all those things you didn’tdeserve.
Let me know about them, I’d love to hear.
Until next Tuesday. YIPPEE!