In A Shot Of Optimism, Uncategorized

Some things are complicated – really complicated.  Like how to find a path for peace in the Middle East, how to handle the tide of immigrants coming to the U.S to escape danger, or how to help millions of people move from poverty to economic independence.

Daunting issues all! And that doesn’t even scratch the surface.

Because we live in a world with 24/7 communication and news, hockey stick rates of change, and hyper-personal impersonal interactions, even the mundane can get complicated, or so it seems . . .

Should I get a Fitbit or JawBone?
A PC or a MAC?
Use Expedia or Travelocity?
Take higher pay or the more meaningful work?
Work through a misunderstanding with my co-worker/family member/neighbor – let it go for now or yell and scream?

Happily, you and I have some discretion about where we place our attention and our energy. We can choose to spend time mired in anger and frustration about the complicated issues we can’t change, the latest remark a politician/family member/or boss made. Or we can use our energy in a positive way. How do you do that? Bring it back to the basics.

During this holiday time, when things can seem complicated, do the simple things:

Be kind
Have compassion
Give thanks

It really is thatsimple.

Tell me the simple acts you are taking to use your energy for good.

Until next Tuesday.  Happy Thanksgiving (if you live in the U.S.)   YIPPEE!



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