If you live in the U.S. you’ve probably just come through a long July 4th weekend and may have eaten your fair share of fried chicken, deviled eggs, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, cakes and pies, washed down by soft drinks and/or beer. It’s easy to go on automatic pilot.
And…after we indulge it’s easy to feel sluggish and a little guilty? It was fun in the moment, but now?
Just one more day when the choices we make create a result.
Every day we make choices either consciously or unconsciously. I was in college when I first heard the phrase, “to not decide is to decide”. It was profound. You mean doing nothing is actually a form of taking action?
When I zone out with a game on my device, I am choosing to not to:
read a good book
take a walk
call a friend
When I don’t plan for the week ahead or close the loop on a project, I am choosing to feel: Overwhelmed, off-of-my-stride, distracted and guilty.
What’s the yippee challenge? This week, choose to be intentional, to make your choices active not passive.
Let me hear how it goes for you!
Until next Tuesday. YIPPEE!