In A Shot Of Optimism, Uncategorized

You know, when I launched Discover Your YIPPEE, I understood intellectually, what it meant to have a business online.

I had to have a website, right?  So I got one.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that there is more to generating a strong client base than simply being represented by my website.  I actually had to market my website!

I bet you get where I am going with this.  As I delved deeper into this online marketing thing, I learned about social media, SEO, and client conversions.  I learned through the trial and error – the hard knocks of online marketing you could say.

That’s why I want to tell you about this amazing Free Tele-Summit that my colleague Serena Carcasole has put together called The Marketing Mastery Summit 2014.   I am no a guru at on-line marketing, but Serena and her guests are.

Register for the Marketing Master Summit 2014

Marketing Mastery Banner 1I will be speaking about the people side of the business and how business owners can get the best from their people whether they are employees or contractors.  I will be joined in other sessions by 19 experts in on-line business who will share the inside tips and strategies that have supported us through our success.

Whether you are just starting out and want to create an amazing website or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur who wants to take their business to the next level, this summit is for you.

You know, I wish that I had access to an amazing event like this as I developed my online marketing muscle.  All this information, and for free!

Join me at The Marketing Mastery Summit 2014.  Simplify how to Master Marketing Your Business Online and Turn your website into a Client Generating Machine.

Register for the Marketing Master Summit 2014


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