What Are You Waiting For?
Are you waiting for someone to finally recognize your talent? The special connection with that powerful person who can promote you and your project? The perfect mentor? The Waiting Game Part of [...]
Are you waiting for someone to finally recognize your talent? The special connection with that powerful person who can promote you and your project? The perfect mentor? The Waiting Game Part of [...]
Do you want to ask for a raise or a promotion? Do you feel you have earned it? You are not alone. Recently over 1000 adults were polled by ABC News and over Fifty-five percent of adults younger [...]
Have you ever agreed to something and then regretted it? Or the reverse, turned something down and wished you hadn’t? There’s an antidote to regret. It’s called your Bottom Line. Recently one [...]
Have you ever felt “up the creek without a paddle”? Did you find yourself saying if only that hadn’t happened? I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey, the riveting Masterpiece Theater presentation on [...]
Is that job or relationship you went rushing into increasingly disappointing? Do you find yourself looking for reasons to stay? Do you sometimes tell yourself you’re being too demanding? Are you [...]